Major Requirements
Major Requirements
The University Scholars major includes a combination of courses required for all Scholars and courses that constitute Scholars’ individual paths of study. Scholars should plan on taking 15-18 hours and at least two honors credits per semester. Scholars must complete a total of 124 credit hours, including 36 hours at the 3000 – 4000 level. Of those 124 credit hours, Scholars must complete at least 90 as a University Scholar.
All Scholars are required to craft an individualized course of study in two or more concentrations with the guidance of an advisor. A concentration in UNSC is usually understood as fifteen or more hours at the 3000-4000 level in a single subject/area or as completing the requirements for a minor. Students are encouraged only to apply the term “concentration” when they feel confident saying they have done (or will do) "substantial, advanced work" in that subject/area.
All scholars are required to take the courses listed below. Although there is sometimes flexibility regarding the semester in which a required course is taken, timing guidelines are provided for most.
GTX 2301 The Intellectual Tradition of the Ancient World*
Close reading and discussion of foundational texts that establish the parameters of morality, aesthetics, religion, and philosophy.
Fall of freshman year -
GTX 2302 The Medieval Intellectual Tradition*
Consideration and discussion of the development of thought from the medieval to the modern period, with particular attention paid to the Christian intellectual tradition.
Spring of freshman year -
UNSC 3001 Exit Interview
Discussion of independent reading list and proposed thesis topic with a selected faculty committee.
Fall of junior year -
UNSC 3301 UNSC Capstone*
Special topics of study in modern and post-modern intellectual thought. Bridging genres and disciplines, the course encourages students to make connections with their previous study of Great Texts within the broad context of their University Scholars experience.
Fall or spring of junior year -
HON 3100 Advanced Readings and Research
In HON 3100, students identify a research topic, work with a research librarian to begin compiling readings for the thesis, and learn how to find a thesis advisor. By the end of the semester, students are responsible for selecting a thesis advisor to work with during HON 3101. They must also submit a reading contract signed by their thesis advisor, which outlines their research plan, to be completed during HON 3101. Scholars enrolling in HON 3100 should register with Ms. Charmaine Dull.
Fall of junior year -
HON 3101 Advanced Reading and Research
In HON 3101, students complete the research plan outlined in their reading contract with their thesis advisor. At the end of the semester, students complete a proposal that identifies the thesis argument and brief chapter outlines. The thesis proposal should be signed and approved by the thesis advisor and submitted to the Honors office on Canvas. Students may also begin drafting a tentative first chapter of the thesis project. After completing HON 3101, each Honors student may begin the Honors Thesis courses (HON 4V87). Scholars enrolling in HON 3101 should register with their thesis advisor.
Spring of junior year -
HON 3200 Colloquium
Informal group discussion of important books and issues in various branches of knowledge under the direction of faculty members or others who are specialists in the area of discussion.
Fall or spring of junior year -
HON 4V87 Honors Thesis
Students complete Honors Thesis while conducting research and writing their thesis. The course is supervised by a faculty member in the student's major department or concentration. As a variable hour course, HON 4V87 may be completed for 1-4 hours of credit during a given semester depending upon the consent of the instructor and approval from the Honors Program. Typically, students will register for two hours of Honors Thesis during their penultimate semester and two final hours during their last semester.
Fall and spring of senior year -
HON 4088 Honors Exit Review
Students complete the Honors Exit Review course during their final semester. They will receive a grade of Credit once they have submitted all necessary paperwork and completed all other steps necessary to graduate from the Honors Program.
Spring of senior year -
CHA 1088 Chapel (two semesters)
University Chapel is the oldest tradition at Baylor. For more than 160 years, Baylor students have gathered to worship together, to engage important issues of our day, and to be inspired by speakers, artists, academicians, and leaders from every vocation. As students worship together, they will be invited into a service that both speaks to where they are and exposes them to the worship tradition of the larger Body of Christ. In addition to worship services, other programs will be offered that not only lift the spirit but also prompt vocational imagination. This kind of collective sacred experience is a critical dimension of a Christian education.
Fall and spring of freshman year -
REL 1310 The Christian Scriptures
An introduction to the Old and New Testaments (their contents, historical backgrounds, and major themes), and to appropriate strategies for interpretation of the Bible.
Timing varies according to individual course of study -
REL 1350 The Christian Heritage
An introduction to Christian life and thought, from the early church to the present, through an examination of great texts with an emphasis on Christian doctrine, ethics, witness, and institutions.
Timing varies according to individual course of study
*UNSC scholars enrolled in the BIC are required to fulfill a different set of requirements than a typical UNSC scholar. For more information on these requirements, please meet with a BIC advisor.